History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 26

26) Some complex object categories, such as faces, have dedicated areas of cortex for processing them, but are also represented in a distributed fashion (Kanwisher – 1997, Haxby – 2001) Early in her career Nancy Kanwisher used functional MRI (fMRI) to seek modules for perceptual and semantic processing. She was fortunate enough to discover what …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 25

25) The dopamine system implements a reward prediction error algorithm (Schultz – 1996, Sutton – 1988) It used to be that the main thing anyone "knew" about the dopamine system was that it is important for motor control.   Parkinson's disease, which visibly manifests itself as motor tremors, is caused by disruption of the dopamine …

Fair Use and Legal Intimidation in Science

Shelley Batts’s Retrospectacle neuroscience blog recently got hit with a legal threat from journal publisher Wiley for posting some graphs from a recently published article. This request amounts to underhanded legal intimidation as using these graphs clearly falls under fair use. Shelley had clearly cited the source of the graph and accurately reported the results. …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 24

24) Cognitive control processes are distributed within a network of distinct regions (Goldman-Rakic – 1988, Posner – 1990, Wager & Smith 2004, Cole & Schneider – 2007) Researchers investigating eye movements and attention recorded from different parts of the primate brain and found several regions showing very similar neural activity. Goldman-Rakic proposed the existence of …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 23

23) Motor cortex is organized by movement direction (Schwartz  & Georgopoulos – 1986, Schwartz – 2001) Penfield had shown that motor cortex is organized in a somatotopic map. However, it was unclear how individual neurons are organized. What does each neuron’s activity represent? The final location of a movement, or the direction of that movement? …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 22

22) Recurrent connectivity in neural networks can elicit learning and reproduction of temporal sequences (Jordan – 1986, Elman – 1990, Schneider – 1991) Powerful learning algorithms such as Hebbian learning, self-organizing maps, and backpropagation of error illustrated how categorization and stimulus-response mapping might be learned in the brain. However, it remained unclear how sequences and …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 21

21) Parallel and distributed processing across many neuron-like units can lead to complex behaviors (Rumelhart & McClelland – 1986, O'Reilly – 1996) Pitts & McCullochprovided amazing insight into how brain computations take place. However, their two-layer perceptrons were limited. For instance, they could not implement the logic gate XOR (i.e., 'one but not both'). An …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 20

20) Spike-timing dependent plasticity: Getting the brain from correlation to causation (Levy – 1983, Sakmann – 1994, Bi & Poo – 1998, Dan – 2002) Hebb's original proposal was worded as such: "When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 19

19) Neural networks can self-organize via competition (Grossberg – 1978, Kohonen – 1981) Hubel and Wiesel's work with the development  of cortical columns (see previous post) hinted at it, but it wasn't until Grossberg and Kohonen built computational architectures explicitly exploring competition that its importance was made clear. Grossberg was the first to illustrate the …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 18

18) Behavior exists on a continuum between controlled and automatic processing (Schneider & Shiffrin – 1977) During the 1970s those studying the cognitive computations underlying visual search were at an impasse. One group of researchers claimed that visual search was a flat search function (i.e., adding more distracters doesn't increase search time), while another group …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 17

17) Reverbatory activity in lateral prefrontal cortex maintains memories and attention over short periods (Fuster – 1971, Jacobsen – 1936, Goldman-Rakic – 2000) Patient H.M., with his lack of long term memory but largely intact working (short-term) memory, illustrated a dissociation between these two forms of memory. While long-term memory seemed to rely on hippocampus …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 16

16) Critical periods of cortical development via competition (Hubel & Wiesel – 1970) Hubel & Wiesel showed that the ocular dominance columns they had discovered in cortex (see previous post) are organized during a critical period of development. Keeping one eye of an animal shut during the first few months of life made that animal …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 15

15) Consciousness depends on cortical communication; the cortical hemispheres are functionally specialized (Sperry & Gazzaniga – 1969) It is quite difficult to localize the epileptic origin in some seizure patients. Rather than removing the gray matter of origin, neurosurgeons sometimes remove white matter to restrict the seizure to one part of the brain. One particularly …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 14

14) Neocortex is composed of columnar functional units (Mountcastle – 1957, Hubel & Wiesel – 1962) Mountcastle found that nearby neurons in monkey somatosensory cortex tend to activate for similar sensory experiences. For example, a neuron might respond best to a vibration of the right index finger tip, while a neuron slightly deeper in might …

History’s Top Brain Computation Insights: Day 13

13) Larger cortical space is correlated with greater representational resolution; memories are stored in cortex (Penfield – 1957) Prior to performing surgery, Wilder Penfield electrically stimulated epileptic patients' brains while they were awake. He found the motor and somatosensory strips along the central sulcus, just as was found in dogs by Fitsch & Hitzig (see …